This week on Podparks, Alice is joined by Julia Bresee,manager of the new National Urban Parks program at Parks Canada.
Author: Communication WUP
Parks and Health
We’ve always known parks are good for us, but up until the past few decades, we haven’t known why. This week on Podparks, Alice is joined by public health researchers from around the world to discuss the effects of parks on our health.
Board Vacancies & Nominations
The World Urban Parks Annual General Meeting will be taking place this coming August 2023. A number of open positions are available to the Board of Directors for a term.
Safer Parks: Improving Access for Women and Girls
Parks are essential for all of us but are less used by women and girls due to concerns about safety, health and wellbeing impacts.
Women’s and girl’s safety
The parks for London organization has put together extensive research and consultation to find out how to improve safety for women and girls in parks.
“Taking your Professional Career to the Next Level”, by Maarten Loeffen
Listen to a segment of “Taking your Professional Career to the Next Level”, a panel discussion delivered by Marteen Loeffen at last year’s World Urban Parks Congress.
What makes a walkable city
As mentioned in the article written by M. Martínez Euklidiadas:
If, during the 20th century, the aim in cities was to make space for private vehicles, one of the challenges of the 21st century is to correct that self-destructive trend. The proximity city, also known as a walkable city, emerged as an essential town-planning tool to improve residents' quality of life and reduce their impact.
The new ParkScore Report
This week on Podparks, we are joined live by Linda Hwang and Bianca Shulaker of Trust of Public Land to discuss TPL’s exciting new ParkScore report released today.
How cell phones can help us make the most of urban green space
A study realized by a team at the Barcelona Institute for global health (ISGlobal) suggests that Planting more trees could mean fewer people die from increasingly high summer temperatures in cities.
Study proves positive impact of placemaking interventions
This blog from the Canadian architect is A study conducted by Toronto Metropolitan University in collaboration with The Daniels Corporation, Entro, LeMay, and MASSIVart which found an increase in placemaking interventions in public and private spaces produces positive impacts.