Tag: <span>large parks</span>

Activities Parks Week 2024

Activities Parks Week 2024

World Urban Parks is looking to incorporate webinars, blogs, and discussion forums during World Parks Week. These activities will highlight and educate people about the different initiatives that urban parks around the world are involved in.

Resources Parks Week 2024

Resources Parks Week 2024

World Urban Parks intends to work with the following World Urban Parks Advocacy Committees to create and share resources that support and advocate for the importance and significance of World Parks Week and urban parks.

Green Flag Award

Green Flag Award

How can park certifications help to create better green spaces for all? This week on Podparks, we are exploring the growing niche of park awards and certifications, what they even mean, how they work, and what their implications are for parks pursuing them around the world.

What makes a walkable city

What makes a walkable city

If, during the 20th century, the aim in cities was to make space for private vehicles, one of the challenges of the 21st century is to correct that self-destructive trend. The proximity city, also known as a walkable city, emerged as an essential town-planning tool to improve residents' quality of life and reduce their impact.

A park through the ages

A park through the ages

Although they feel like they have been here forever, public parks are a rather modern invention. In this episode, Alice Landin takes us through the early history of parks and the struggles of control and power that have come with them.