WUP Member Marathon Webinar Calendar

Webinar Calendar - WUP Member Marathon

This 5th and 6th of December 2023, we are celebrating 24 hours of dynamic discussions and opportunities for collaboration in the parks world.

Our world is evolving rapidly, and so are the challenges faced by urban environments. Climate change, social inclusion, and sustainable development are among the pressing issues we must address. World Urban Parks believes in the power of green public spaces to transform our communities for the better, and we invite you to be a part of this global conversation.

The World Urban Parks (WUP) Member Marathon is an exciting global initiative that throws open the doors of knowledge, collaboration, and conversation within the realm of parks and public spaces. It’s a unique opportunity to learn, dialogue, and engage with other individuals who share our passion for creating greener, more vibrant cities. This upcoming 5th and 6th of December 2023, we are celebrating 24 hours of dynamic discussions and opportunities for collaboration in the parks world.

Tuesday 5th of December

Maarten Loeffen

Speaker: Maarten Loeffen, CEO, Royal Association Stadswerk The Netherlands

Webinar 1: Building the Sustainable Urban Future: Exploring the Future Green City Congress 2024


CDMX | New York | London | Johannesburg | Wellington

11:00  |    12:00     |   17:00   |         19:00        |     06:00

Michael Boland

Speaker: Michael Boland, Chief Park Officer, Presidio Trust

Webinar 2Creating a National Park for all at the Golden Gate


CDMX | New York | London | Johannesburg | Wellington

12:00  |    13:00     |   18:00   |         20:00        |     07:00

Barbara Apodaca

Speaker: Barbara Apodaca, Director, Botanical and Zoological Society of Sinaloa

Webinar 3Botanical Gardens: Opportunities for Cities and Communities


CDMX | New York | London | Johannesburg | Wellington

16:00  |    17:00     |   22:00   |         12:00        |     11:00

Wednesday 6th of December

Curt Gervich

Speaker: Curt Gervich, Assistant Professor, SUNY Plattsburgh

Webinar 4Gamification of Cities


CDMX | New York | London | Johannesburg | Wellington

09:00  |    10:00     |   15:00   |         17:00        |     04:00

Nella Lomotan

Speaker: Nella Lomotan, Managing Director, Philippine Parks & Biodiversity

Webinar 5Influencing Government for Investments on Parks & Recreations


CDMX | New York | London | Johannesburg | Wellington

13:00  |    14:00     |   19:00   |         21:00        |     08:00

You can’t miss out on this event, save the date!

If you want to know more about the Member Marathon, check out this blog for further information