World Parks Week 2022 is an opportunity for us to share how and in what ways we are connecting to the World Urban Parks 10/20/30!
World Parks Week is an opportunity to celebrate our parks and green spaces. The week is organized to:
- Communicate the critical importance of parks in a global context
- Promote best practices by learning from other parks services
- Encourage people to enjoy nature and appreciate the importance of green space while maintaining physical distancing

Wordsfrom our CEO
Join the global celebration.
Our urban parks and public spaces need your voice more than ever.
WUP has prepared for our entire community a series of events and materials so that you can take the message of the importance of our spaces to many more people. Activate your community through social media and organization events; help us label the WUP and all those people you think should know about this worldwide movement.
This Parks Week we count on you and your support.
– Luis Romahn
About this edition
For World Parks Week 2022 we want the parks and recreation sector to emerge stronger than ever out of COVID-19! To that end, we want to encourage 10/20/30, a concept involving…
Everyone having a park within a 10-minute safe and accessible walk,
Everyone accessing all their basic needs within a 20-minute walk
Incorporating these principles into existing cities and the way of planning and creating new communities globally by 2030.
Be part of Parks Week!
World Urban Parks will provide partners with resources to help promote World Parks Week (COVID Expert Park Panel). These resources will include a social media package that can be used for promotion leading up to and during World Parks Week. Partners will advocate and promote World Parks Week to their members and audiences .
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