Parks, nature and open spaces have always been very important in our world, and the criticalness of these places was elevated over the past 2 years while we navigated through COVID-19. Park usage sky rocketed as we all found ways to sustain our mental and physical well-being and meet our needs for social connections through socially-distanced interactions out in nature.
With the world emerging from COVID-19, it’s appropriate that we celebrate parks and recreation during this year’s World Parks Week. Celebrate and thank the parks and recreation professionals who care for these valuable spaces and provide incredible recreation programming. Support 10/20/30, World Urban Park’s initiative that sees everyone world-wide having a park within a 10-minute safe and accessible walk, everyone accessing all their basic needs within a 20-minute walk, and incorporating these into existing cities and the way of planning and creating new communities globally by 2030.
Get outside in nature!

Jayne Miller
Chair of World Urban Parks
Experienced and recognized Park and Recreation Professional. Strong demonstrated leadership and operations experience in Service Delivery, Budgeting, Event Planning, Coaching, and Public/Private Partnerships.