CityRAP is a tool creator by DiMSUR that develops relevant and innovative tools to improve local, national, and sub-regional capacities for reducing vulnerability and building the resilience of communities to natural and other hazards in the southern African region and beyond.
Within this tool, it stated that Much of the urban growth in developing countries occurs spontaneously, not following official planning frameworks, even when they exist. As a result, many urban residents live in informal settlements that are often vulnerable to natural and human-induced hazards. At the same time, climate change has increased the frequency and intensity of natural hazards, affecting millions of urban dwellers.
In this context, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) and the Technical Centre for Disaster Risk Management, Sustainability and Urban Resilience (DiMSUR) collaborated to develop this tool to strengthen the capacity of city managers and technicians in the developing world to build their city’s resilience and effectively reduce urban risks.
The booklet is divided into four key phases, which explore the following areas:
- Understanding Urban Resilience.
- Data Collection and Organisation.
- Data Analysis and prioritization.
- Development of the city resilience framework for action.
This, as a whole, provides city managers and municipal technicians in small to intermediate-sized cities with the abilities and knowledge to face different situations.
If you want to read and download the complete booklet, click here.
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