AIPH World Green City Awards 2022

The International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) members consist of thousands of growers of flowers and ornamental plants around the world who are together united by one essential goal promoting the place of plants in people’s lives.

Our mission is clearer than ever: to reignite and uphold an appreciation of plants that we believe is a basic human instinct. As an organization, we strive for a world in which humanity, technology, and nature exist in a healthy and stable equilibrium. By achieving this we will build a balanced and prosperous future for all, sustaining the planet for this generation and the next.

We support and promote the work of our members and the grower organizations around the world who together form our proud AIPH community. Through the expertise and energy, they give to horticulture, they embody everything that we stand for. AIPH is responsible for the world’s finest horticultural expositions, upholding the very highest standards, we ensure that approved exhibitions benefit growers and visitors alike by inspiring a greater appreciation of ornamental plants. Drawing on experience acquired over generations, we provide organizers with expert guidance to create world-class spectacles that live long in the memory.

The AIPH World Green City Awards 2022 are designed to champion ambitious nature orientated approaches to city design and operation. Specifically, it recognizes initiatives relying on a greater use of plants and nature to create better city environments, helping to fulfil local aspirations for improved economic, social, and environmental resilience. It will be offered in six categories, cities can register for free in more than one category, to register the city, the process is done through the link (found below). You have until March 14, 2022, don’t miss this great opportunity.

Step by step:

  1. Register a profile
  2. Set your login details
  3. Login to the portal
  4. Compile your entry
  5. Submit your entry.