Starting this new year with great enthusiasm, more world leaders have joined to contribute to the great work that World Urban Parks does in the open space and recreation sector. Here, we will tell you about the latest movements of 2 regional committees within the organization.

Latin America Committee

World Urban Parks is pleased to welcome Itziar de Luisa as the new Chair of the Latin America Committee.

About Itziar de Luisa,

For a decade and a half, she has dedicated herself to participating in civil organizations on urban and educational issues as a citizen and as an activist in the public space. She has participated in mobility projects in Mexico City to improve traffic in Santa Fé, through the creation of the Mobility Master Plan, reorganization of public transport and pedestrianization.

She has collaborated with the Mexico City Police to create a safe corridor in the area, improving collaboration between public and private security.

She led the neighborhood proposal for Parque La Mexicana and in negotiation with the Government of Mexico City, integrating legal, financial, urban planning and real estate developer teams for the construction.

She is currently responsible for the construction project of the new section of the park and for the general operation of the park. She specifically responsible for the maintenance of the 28 hectares, cultural and sports programming, as well as the relationship with the local and federal government.

She is currently the Executive President of the ZEDEC Santa Fe Neighborhood Association, representing residents, corporations, universities, schools, businesses, and hotels, in projects that improve the quality of life in the area.

In addition, she is a member of the board of directors of the National Association of Parks and Recreation and Vice President of the Fundación Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, a public university, as well as a member of the Board of Directors of World Urban Parks.

North America Committee

This committee has two co-chairs located in the United States and Canada. On behalf of the first country, we have had the work of Scott Martin, current Administrator of Parks & Outdoors of the City of Chattanooga.

Additionally, in recent weeks as representative of Canada, Benjamin Jonah, Parks Planning Specialist for the City of St. Albert, was welcomed as Co-Chair.

About Benjamin Jonah,

Benjamin Jonah has recently joined the municipality of St. Albert, Alberta, Canada as a Parks Planning Specialist working on the design and construction of several local parks.

Previously, Ben worked as a Parks Programs and Policy Coordinator with Alberta Recreation and Parks Association and as Secretariat Coordinator for World Urban Parks.

I have graduated from the University of New Brunswick with a Master’s Degree in Sports and Recreation focusing on the implementation of Canada’s National Framework for Recreation into Alberta municipalities.

We thank Itziar and Benjamin for their leadership, hard work and collaboration with World Urban Parks.

I am thrilled to welcome Itziar De Luisa as Chair of the Latin America Regional Committee and Ben Jonah as Co-Chair of the North America Regional Committee. In our efforts to engage younger professionals in World Urban Parks, I am excited for the energy and new ideas they will bring as leaders of these committees and members of the WUP Board.
It is with great pleasure that we announce that Itziar was recently proposed and accepted as Chair for the Latin American region at the World Urban Parks Board. I had the opportunity to meet Itziar more than 7 years ago and since then, her generosity and participation has been key to advancing the agenda of public spaces in Mexico. Welcome Itziar, World Urban Parks is very lucky to have your leadership and vision to help raise the quality of urban parks in Latin America. Ben Jonah, new Co-Chair for the North American region in the World Urban Parks. Very excited to be able to count on Ben as co-chair for the North American region in the World Urban Parks. Ben has been working in our industry for the past years and has climbed positions thanks to his leadership, service attitude and commitment. He recently held the Global Secretariat for World Urban Parks, and now with great enthusiasm we announce that he will be working together with Scott Martin in the very important task of pushing the agenda of urban parks in the United States and Canada and connecting these two countries with the rest of the regions. Welcome Ben and we wish you much success in your work.

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