Tag: <span>park history</span>

Parks are the new roads

Parks are the new roads

How would our cities change if we replaced most of our roads with parks? This week on podparks, we are advocating for green networks, which are webs of parks and corridors and walkways that allow people to navigate the city through green public spaces.

The rise of parks

The rise of parks

This week on Podparks, Alice discusses the evolution of parks in the 20th century with guests Paul Rabbitts, Dr. Catharine Ward Thompson, Digby White, Christy Boylan and Jayne Miller.

A park through the ages

A park through the ages

Although they feel like they have been here forever, public parks are a rather modern invention. In this episode, Alice Landin takes us through the early history of parks and the struggles of control and power that have come with them.