Heat Resilient Cities: Measuring Benefits of Urban Heat Adaptation

The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group posted on its webpage information regarding the impact that temperatures have on cities. 

The impact of extreme temperatures on health and well-being is raising policy agendas in many cities. The Excel-based Heat Resilient Cities benefits tool has been designed to help city planners and decision-makers quantify the health, economic, and environmental benefits of everyday urban heat adaptation actions. Cities can use this information to make a case for urban heat adaptation investments and prioritize the activities likely to have the most positive impact locally. 

The tool was developed with guidance from cities participating in the C40 Cool Cities Network and urban heat and health impact specialists. It has been piloted in the cities of Medellín and São Paulo. 

In its article, you will find more information about the health and economic benefits of Medellín’s green corridors and Sao Paulo’s Ipiranga Stream Revitalisation. 

If you want to read the complete article, click here

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