World Urban Parks in partnership with the National Association of Parks and Recreation of Mexico, present for the first time in the Americas the World Urban Parks Congress (WUP Congress 2022) .
Author: Communication WUP
Let’s Celebrate! It’s World Parks Week 2022!
Parks, nature and open spaces have always been very important in our world, and the criticalness of these places was elevated over the past 2 years while we navigated through COVID-19.
Power Parks vs The Climate Crisis
This week, World Parks Week, is the perfect time to reflect on the power parks must combat one of the world's greatest threats: the climate crisis.
World Parks Week 2022
World Parks Week 2022 is an opportunity for us to share how and in what ways we are connecting to the World Urban Parks 10/20/30!
Young people and parks
Parks can play an important role in filling this nature gap for adolescents, providing them access to the proven physical and mental health benefits of being active and spending time in nature, and a sense of belonging and connection to their communities. Download the full article here!
Tourism and urban parks: Challenges, and opportunities
This webinar focuses on city tourism and from there urban parks as tourist attractions.
A prescription worth filling…naturally!
This webinar will focus on a communities journey and the great health and wellbeing outcomes that can be achieved through co design, engaging across the community health sector, social prescribing, some passionate staff and great plans!
Emerging Ideas: New leaders, better urban spaces
Do you have a project idea to create social change and strengthen your community's interaction with #nature? We're looking for 30 change-makers to join our second cohort of #EmergingUrbanLeaders.
Monterrey will host the global event for urban parks this 2022
After 2 years of pandemic, WUP congress returns with strength and announces the official date of the annual event. From November 14 to 18, 2022, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, will host city leaders, park professionals, and citizens committed to public space.
Creating a vision of the future from the legacy of the past
We continue to face ever increasing numbers of extreme weather events, severe losses in biodiversity, massive displacement, and migration of global peoples, and many are not able to access basic quality community infrastructures such as neighborhood parks.