Activities Parks Week 2024

World Urban Parks is looking to incorporate webinars, blogs, and discussion forums during World Parks Week. These activities will highlight and educate people about the different initiatives that urban parks around the world are involved in.

Check out the Following Activities:

Save the Date!

Mark your calendars for April 28th to May 5th, 2024, and prepare to be part of something great. Let’s honor our large urban parks and reaffirm our commitment to preserving these crucial green spaces for generations to come. Join us in celebrating World Parks Week and discover the many ways these parks enrich our lives and our cities.

World Urban Parks is the organisation to go to for international advice, support and getting connected with urban park, open space and recreation issues, people and activity. We combine the experience of our members and partners with opportunities to help build urban parks leadership and bring about significant improvements in cities where rapid urbanisation is occurring